Final version of guild video. Enjoy.
Edited by Katsuke, 29 March 2014 - 08:26 PM.
Final version of guild video. Enjoy.
Edited by Katsuke, 29 March 2014 - 08:26 PM.
needs to be edited more to incorporate a bunch of different action scenes. I kinda like the dubstep music that Jug put on his AoC vid too.
Hey this is really cool! Thank you for posting it
Its shitty, but here's one of sieging that I took with my phone on Cata's PC. I just thought it was cool - obviously not posting it for the video quality
The thing that impressed me the most was all that action going on, all those people - and no lag.
Fuzzy, what add ons are you using?
Video is awesome. The part at the little broken stairs or whatever from 11:30 to 18 is the best I think cuz it's nonstop waves of people, with a decent group of us here.
I just wanted to point out that it makes me happy seeing people coordinate CCs. It's probably hard to tell if you're not real into what does what yet in the game but several times you'll see a guy stand up from something only to be INSTANTLY put on his ass again, or stunned. I love that timing.
I wish otar hadn't nope'd out of that action at the end.. He's shy in front of the camera.
Glad to see my toon in this vid
Dope. Makes me rethink if I should use a Bow/Resto instead of 2H/Resto.
At level 15 you get to swap weapons and can use 2 sets of skills. Can grab both then if you want!
Removed all the other old video, the final version is finally ready (1st post) . Enjoy.
Holy. fucking. shit.
Mad props, Kat! It looks fantastic.
HOLY SHIT, I LOVE IT!!! Thank you Katsuke. Wow, I am just floored. Fantastic job!!
that video is fucking sick!
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