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Running out of stuff to research!

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Heya folks!

I'm running out of relevant gear to research and am wondering if anyone has some extra stuff floating around that they wouldn't mind mailing over to me (of course willing to pay COD to cover mailing costs).

If at all possible, I'm looking for items with the following researchable traits:


Heavy Armour


Chest: Sturdy, Exploration, Divines

Boots: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Well-Fitted, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines

Gloves: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Well-Fitted, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines

Helm: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Well-Fitted, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines

Legs: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Well-Fitted, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines

Shoulders: Sturdy, Reinforced, Well-Fitted, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines

Belt: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Reinforced, Well-Fitted, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines


Light Armour


Chest: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Reinforced, Well-Fitted, Training, Exploration

Boots: Impenetrable, Reinforced, Well-Fitted, Training, Exploration, Divines

Gloves: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Well-Fitted, Training, Exploration, Divines

Helm: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Reinforced, Training, Exploration, Divines

Legs: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Reinforced, Training, Infused, Exploration

Shoulders: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Reinforced, Training, Infused, Exploration, Divines

Belt: Sturdy, Impenetrable, Reinforced, Well-Fitted, Training, Divines




Maul: Powered, Precise, Sharpened


Resto Staff: Precise, Training, Sharpened



Any help in accumulating some of these would be hugely appreciated =)


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    Salad Tosser

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I can't help with any of the Heavy Armour, but I can send:


Light Armour

  • Chest: Well-fitted, Training
  • Legs: Sturdy, Infused


  • Maul: Precise, Sharpened
  • Resto Staff: Training

I'll write down your list and keep an eye out for drops that I find that I don't need as well.



Look at that lazy Fuzzy. Pfft, I say! Pfft!


I found and mailed:

Light Armour

  • Legs: Reinforced
  • Boots: Divines

Edited by Slippyfist, 03 May 2014 - 10:43 PM.

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If you can hit me up in game I'll see what I can make..  This is significantly too much effort to try to sort out from here.

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