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AoC Monthly Update - April 2013

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    Veterano de Los Rejectos

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Overall Guild Status
The last 30 days have been hard on all of us. I actually cant believe its only been 30 days (around the 18th)! It feels like we have a new beginning - one where we have a choice to decide on our direction.

Its our opportunity to reinvent ourselves - and I am very happy to see the amount of people stepping up to make it happen. But, were not done yet! We have a foundation now and we need to build upon it from here. So, when we go through this 1st Monthly Update as Social Rejects, I hope it inspires some to speak up a little more and help make this guild in AoC what we all want it to be.

I want to thank the old sRs folks, as well. Though I know you play a different game and its probably weird to see all these new people come in - you've made us feel welcome - and we all appreciate it. Things were touch and go for awhile on where we would end up, but I'm glad its with this name and glad its with y'all. :) Thank you...

Website Status
- Well... I had a whole thing here about donations. But we had a member, very generously, donate a large sum that will keep us running for several years... Please see the post >> here << and give Tankzo some erp. Tankzo, seriously dude, words cannot express the gratitude. Thank you :)
- I know I keep making posts about it, but seriously, thank Genius too if you haven't recently. The guy has poured over the site for 8-12 hours a day at some points to get it to where we are today. We now have DKP, our own private forums, a way to vote on applications, and it all works great! He has really put in a lot of effort to make the forums fast and functional for all of us.

- Recruiting New Members: As we have hit that time of year where people go on vacation, have school finishing up, etc. We need to focus on recruiting more people. Its not anything to be too worried about, as we go through this every single year. For T4, rangers, dps, and bear probably have the best chance. We are totally overflowing on soldiers of any kind and barbs
- Recruitment Process: We've asked for some feedback on the recruitment process >> here <<. As this was one of the things mentioned when we discussed breaking away initially, I hope we can get some more ideas on how to improve our recruitment process

- T4 Status: Originally I when I drafted this up, I had "we need to strive to get it done in 2 nights". With the new people in the raid, we just need to strive to get this done. This is going to mean patience from old time raiders, teaching, and cooperation. Many of these folks have done T4 before, just we haven't done it together. So we need to all click.
- T3 Status: The more we can nail down T4, the more we can get back into T3 (for those who want it). Folks are going to be more apt to want to go to T3 when we are winning in T4 (that whole frustration level thing).
- Raid Form Up Time: As we are hitting that Spring / Summer lull, there may be a few nights where we have to do something different. Please try to make sure your at the raid form up point on time so we can make this decision as quickly as possible. This means not joining a mini 5 minutes before form up...

- Sieges: Siege is scheduled for tomorrow!! We will be attacking DeFiance. Form up is at 8:00PM EST, with the actual siege at 9:00PM EST
- Bounty Hunt: Participation seems to be dipping on the Bounty Hunts. I know for a fact there are a few people with screenshots of killing me that have not posted them. Is this something you all still want to do? While it seemed to be a good alternative to Guild Minis, we can skip it if there is not as much interest

In closing, you all continue to amaze me. I feel we have the best bunch of folks and I get all <3 inside when I think of the things we have gone through together / done for each other - all to keep playing this game as a group. I am very proud to be here with y'all. And though we may be new, thank you again to the old sRs crew for welcoming us in :)
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    Veterano de Los Rejectos

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Outside of the monthly update, there was a question raised about alts in T4. Until we are absolutely solid in here - meaning, we have it down to 2 nights, I really would like people to stay on mains (if at all possible). Let me clarify...

We have 3 categories of alts:

1) True "Main Like" Alts: These are individuals who have multiple toons that have been their main at one point. For example, Karthage / Ewing. His Barb is his main, but his guard is stupidly OP and used to be one of our main tanks. I never have a problem if Ewing wants to tank... Jug is another example with his ToS and Necro.
2) People who Think their Alts are 2nd Mains: These are folks who think their alts are in this above category... but they aren't. They may be passable on it, but the toon does not have sufficient gear or the individual has not been playing it long enough to really be considered a "main"... Or the person thinks they are a lot better than they really are (not trying to be mean here - but we do have a couple of these cases)
3) People who Know Their Alts are Alts and Treat Them as Such: They offer to bring them if we are totally absent of a critical class and they understand that while they are not a total replacement, they can act as a good substitute to ensure the raid can keep on going.

Really, my first choice is always the #1 option. Sometimes, we can take from #2 or #3, if the situation is right. Im usually more inclined to folks from #3 because since they knwo they arent as expierenced, they are more receptive to feedback from members on what to do during the raid.

What I don't like to see is folks saying "Well, my toon is totally geared now... so I'm just going to start bringing my alt to gobble up loot". This really bothers me - for many reasons. It weakens the raid, wastes peoples time.. I could go on. For the night, we should just be picking a toon and sticking with it (with the exceptions of the people that change so we can do MC farms or for Emp/Entity since you need specific classes for this).

So, no, I don't really like alts in T4 yet. But its tolerated if its absolutely needed. I also don't mind the situation from #1 if were short on specific classes that week (i.e. Nuke has been bringing his DT because we've been a little light on tanks - always with the stipulation hes getting back on his sin if the normal tanks show up)
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