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Black Mage

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I didn't see a topic devoted to alchohol and all its wonderful varieties. So lets make one.


I am a homebrewer of beer, and a drinker of.... pretty much everything.


Signiture Drink: Vodka and Soda.  - Much more delicious than people would think, if you get a good vodka.


Anyone else here brew?


Anyone have awesome drinks they want to share?


Stories of booze, reasons why it is awesome?



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    Salad Tosser

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I've never tried making my own booze, though my old man made his own wine for a while. It tasted awful, but I think all wine tastes awful, so what do I know?


Personally I'm a hard liquor guy. Rye or rum are my favourites, though I'll drink beer if that's all I've got around (I'm partial to Kokanee). Tough to go wrong with a strong glass of Crown Royal or, if I'm really looking to tie one on, Appleton's 151.

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"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs, jolted by every pebble in the road."
-Henry Ward Beecher

Black Mage

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Crown is pretty damn good stuff. I like it with Dr. Pepper actually. Or if I am camping or something, then straight up with some ice is very relaxing in the evening. 


I used to be pretty much all hard liquor. But eventually I started trying to fit my drink to my situation, and that has broadened my tastes alot. After mowing the lawn, beer or hard cider. Hot summer evening outdoors... maybe some iced wine. Sitting in the mancave, or around a campfire... whiskey or vodka. 


Only thing I don't touch much is Gin. I keep some on hand for long islands or something, but I cant help but think they all taste like Pinesol. 

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    Veterano de Los Rejectos

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Here are my alcoholic slushies :)

Well... this is kinda a recipe - just a drink recipe.

- Frozen of whatever berries are in season - right now I’ve been using strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries
- Lakewood Just Cranberry Juice (this is one of the only brands I have been able to find with no added refined sugar)
- Stevia
- Vodka (or whatever alcohol really)
- Ice Cube Trays

*See step 1 to know how much to use

You can mix and match all this. The principal / amount is the same. I’ve put a little bit of apple / grapefruit juice in it too (same kind with no sugar or anything else added). I’m actually super excited to try this with watermelon in the summer. :)

1) Put all that stuff in the blender. How much you use of everything will depend on how much fruit you have. I fill the juice to about half way up of where the fruit is. Then I put vodka / triple sec (mostly vodka) to about 3/4 the way up. I add a little tiny bit of Stevia, since the Cranberry juice is so tart
2) Blend it until all the fruit is broken up. It should be kind of thick, but not too thick where you can’t pour it.
3) Pour the mixture into ice cube trays. Let them freeze solid. Usually takes about 2 hours
4) Once the cubes are totally frozen, put them BACK in the blender and blend again
5) They should be too thick at this point for you to pour them. I take more vodka and put it in a little bit at a time until when you blend it, it looks like bottom is liquefying
6) Pour in a glass and serve!


Erm.. I usually use a martini glass because there is deceptively a lot of alcohol in these and it’s very easy to drink too many and not realize it. If thats too girly for you, a large glass and straw also work nicely... :mrgreen:

1 = feeling good. 2 = Weeeeeee 3 = I’m asking folks to explain things to me many times

EDIT: Watermelon is not good. Stick with the blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, black berries, rasberries... you get the idea
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    Salad Tosser

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Ugh, yeah, I can't stand Gin, and I've given it more than an honest try. I hear you about matching your drink to your situation, I just don't tend to experiment a lot with booze; I find something I like and I generally just stick with it, or a variation thereof. I learned to drink on almost nothing but RR, so I won't say I've got refined taste, as much as I'd like to broaden it. Still, I just can't behind wine.

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"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs, jolted by every pebble in the road."
-Henry Ward Beecher

Black Mage

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I can't decide if this summer I want to make Georgettas slushie drinks... or go to 7/11 but a slushie and add vodka...


Probably better to make it myself (like beer), but so much easier to get it at 7/11 (like PBR)

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    Veterano de Los Rejectos

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There is no substitute.. My slushies are legendary

I <3 tapatalk
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